Sunday, August 8, 2010

Go! Go!

Go!go! Oren kids!

haha..tema family day Taska Oren..

Sabtu lepas..menarik..

Tapi, lebih banyak merisaukan..

Kenapa? entry lepas ni saya citer..

Yang penting, bilalah pn. Halimahton ni nak balik?

Dari huda baby, nak masuk toddler dah ni..

masih aku simpan lagi emel dia..Bulan 5 dulu..(kekonon nak hantar untuk baby class kalau mampula..hehe)

Dear Parent
Thank you for your email enquiry about The Genius Preschool Programme. Following my recent work with babies and toddlers and the requests for advice from so many parents, education officials and media in Malaysia and overseas,
I am in the UK at the moment working on projects that aim to address this need.
These projects are aimed at helping parents in two ways:
Via a centre in KL where parents will be offered direct guidance on nurturing talent and
Online plus personal post for parents in other states and overseas where guidance and regular support will be provided in a variety of suitable formats to help parents achieve excellence in key areas such as Reading, Writing and Maths together with non-academic matters such as learning environment, behaviour and health
I hope to be back in Malaysia in the next few months and will email you as soon as the above projects are up and running so that you can choose which option is most suited to your needs.

Best wishes & Kindest regards Puan Halimahton Yusof

kenapa? sangat penting untuk dia balik..hehe..sebab utamanya, buku dia tak sempat2 baca lagi..children learn best in the first five years..tinggal 3 tahun sembilan bulan je lagi..

hopefully, en.suami ada masa nak baca n explore..

kata nak amik master pendidikan awal kanak2..hehe

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